Here is a step-by-step guide to change command prompt color with command prompt color codes.
When you run command prompt command on your window screen the default color is white colored texts with black background. With simple command prompt color codes you can easily change the color what you wish. Please consider the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Open or Run command prompt from windows
Step 2: Type color code command “color z” and press Enter.
This will come with some certain details of colors available in command prompt color codes.
Step 3: Now you can choose any color as per your requirement and use the command “color [code]” and press enter.
For example: I used the command, color e and it changed my command prompt color to Yellow. See the picture.
Command Prompt Color Codes : Here is a list of codes to change command prompt color.
0 = Black 1 = Blue 2 = Green 3 = Aqua 4 = Red 5 = Purple 6 = Yellow 7 = White 8 = Gray 9 = Light Blue | A = Light Green B = Light Aqua C = Light Red D = Light Purple E = Light Yellow F = Bright White |
How to change command prompt color background and text
The default command prompt color on CMD Window is Black and White. If you are not happy with this black background on your command prompt , you can easily change it too. Its quite easy.
Use this following command syntax:
Color [background color code][text color code]. Remember that, between “background color code” and “text color” code there is no gap / no blank space.
For example: I have changed my screen with blue background and yellow text.
I have used this command prompt color code:
Color 9e
Now, if you wish to get your default command prompt color, you need to type ‘Color 0F’ and press Enter.